Morning Worship Service

The Lord's Day, March 9, 2025, 9:30AM

*Call to Worship ~ Isaiah 25:6-9

*Prayer of Invocation

*God’s Greetings ~ Revelation 1:4-5

*Song of Praise ~ Psalm 100B

Reading of God’s Law

Deuteronomy 5:1-21(p. 150)

Prayer of Confession (FP 100)

*Declaration of Pardon ~ Colossians 2:11-14

*Song of Thanksgiving ~ Psalm 95C

Congregational Prayer, followed by The Lord’s Prayer (FP 98)

*Song of Preparation ~ #397 “Breathe on Me, Breath of God”

Scripture Reading ~ Deuteronomy 28:1-37 (p. 168-169); Luke 6:20-26 (p. 862)

Prayer of Illumination

Sermon ~ “Faith in Christ Brings Heaven’s Blessings” Elder Daniel Mundell

Prayer of Application

*Song of Application ~ Psalm 1B

Presentation of Offerings

*Song of Praise ~ #575 “Threefold


*God’s Blessing ~ Numbers 6:24-26

TPH=Trinity Psalter Hymnal

FP=Forms and Prayers book

*=please stand if you are able.