Afternoon Worship Service

The Lord’s Day, October 13, 2024, 3:00PM

*Call to Worship ~ Psalm 100

*Prayer of Invocation

*God’s Greetings ~ 1 Peter 1:1–2

*Song of Praise ~ Psalm 62A (tune)

The Apostles’ Creed (FP 148; TPH 851

*Song of Preparation ~ Psalm 16A: 1,4,5 "Preserve Me, O My God" (tune)

Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Reading ~ Psalm 17

Confessional Reading ~ Canon of Dort 1-2 (FP 222; TPH 880–81)

Sermon ~ The Manifestation of God's Love” by Rev. Bill Pols

Prayer of Application

Celebration of The Lord's Supper

*Song of Application ~ #277:1, 2: Before the Throne of God Above (tune)

Congregational Prayer

Presentation of Offerings

*Song of Praise ~ #335:1,4 "Praise the Savior Now and Ever" (tune)

*God’s Blessing ~ 

TPH=Trinity Psalter Hymnal

FP=Forms and Prayers book

*=please stand if you are able.