Afternoon Worship Service

The Lord’s Day, January 19, 2024, 3:00PM

*Call to Worship ~ Psalm 100

*Declaration of Dependence (FP 99)

*God’s Greetings ~ 1 Peter 1:1-2

*Song of Praise ~ Psalm 100A

The Apostles Creed (FP 148; TPH 851)

*Song of Preparation ~ Psalm 119E

Prayer of Illumination

Scripture Reading Romans 10

Confessional Reading Heidelberg Catechism Lord’s Day 31(FP 235; TPH 886)

Sermon ~ “Opening and Closing the Kingdom of Heaven through Gospel Proclamation” By Rev. Keith Davis; read by Elder Daniel Mundell

Prayer of Application

*Song of Application ~ #170 “God, In the Gospel of His Son”

Congregational Prayer

Presentation of Offerings

*Song of Praise ~ #567 “Doxology”

*God’s Blessing ~ 2 Corinthians 13:14

TPH=Trinity Psalter Hymnal

FP=Forms and Prayers book

*=please stand if you are able.