Sunday School & Mid-week Studies

At Redeemer we take seriously the call to disciple people with God's Word and to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18-20; 2 Peter 3:18). We regularly have the following discipleship opportunities available throughout the year:

Redeemer Basic Training

Profession of Faith Class

Office-bearers Training Class

Core Christianity 101

Youth and children's Sunday school

These studies are not only great for growing in the faith but also getting to know others better at Redeemer. If you'd like to learn more about one of our studies and/or would like to know when it starts up again, feel free to contact us and let us know.

Redeemer Basic Training

If you are interested in learning more about our church’s history, beliefs, practices and to get to know people in the church better this is the class to take. Redeemer Basic Training ordinarily meets twice a month at Pastor Brian's house to study what Reformed churches believe based on God's Word, as summarized in the Three Forms of Unity. You will also be given a free copy of the book  Welcome to a Reformed Church, by Daniel R. Hyde. If you or anyone you know is interested in this class contact Pastor Brian. Come and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Basic Training Topics

Week 1: “What is a Reformed Church?”

Week 2: Why Use Creeds and Confessions?”

Week 3, “Scripture: The Final Authority”

Week 4, “The Story of the Bible: Creation, Fall, Redemption, Consummation”

Week 5, “Justification: Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Christ Alone”

Week 6, “Sanctification: The Christian Life”

Week 7, “Church: Distinguishing Marks”

Week 8, “Understanding and Enjoying Reformed Worship”

Week 9, “The Means of Grace: The Word and Sacraments”

Core Christianity 101

This study on the Christian faith is aimed at building a solid foundation in the basics. If you are an unbeliever that wants to explore Christianity we invite you to take this class. Or if you are a new believer that wants to dig deeper into the treasures of Christ in God's Word this class is for you. We also encourage long-time believers to come and review what we believe and why we believe it and to be refreshed once again by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Each lesson complements a chapter in Dr. Michael Horton’s book, 
Core Christianity: Finding Yourself In God’s Story, equipping you to more fully experience the confidence and joy God has for you in Jesus Christ. Click here to watch a brief video of Dr. Horton that gives an overview.